Her Authentic Self

Empathy, Uncomfortable truths & Things that go unsaid

Christina Jhanice Palioglou Season 2 Episode 16

On another episode of "lets talk more about mental health and emotional wellness topics most people avoid" Her Authentic Self Podcast discusses what it means to be an empath and how to best navigate personal relationships and life as you become more self aware 

To site my sources, I'm pulling directly from Dr. Judith Orloff's New York Times Best Seller "The Empaths Survival Guide: Life Strategies for Sensitive People. 
This book really opened my eyes to a particular sensitivity I felt my whole life.  The author breaks down types of empaths, the empaths experience with sensitivities and how to protect/safeguard empaths from negative energies in life 

In this episode I talk about the importance of being your authentic self, speaking what can sometimes be an uncomfortable truth and why its important not to let things go unsaid in our personal relationships. This is the journey towards healing. No more people pleasing, honoring the emotions of others and dishonoring ourselves. 

Follow along as I share tools that I've used to protect myself from bad energies while also being compassionate, graceful and loving with my truths shared. 

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